Version 3.4.5 / 78 (2025-03-11)

Update to Android SDK 35.
Update dependencies.

Version 3.4.4 / 77 (2024-11-02)

Improvements to code and UX.

Version 3.4.3 / 76 (2024-07-12)

Import simple self-generated CSV.
Update dependencies.

Version 3.4.2 / 75 (2024-06-17)

Improved performance.
Update dependencies.

Version 3.4.1 / 74 (2024-03-12)

Include tags while printing flashcard.
Update dependencies.

Version 3.4.0 / 73 (2023-12-09)

Add tags to flashcards.

Version 3.3.4 / 72 (2023-11-15)

Small bugfix.

Version 3.3.3 / 71 (2023-10-09)

Small bugfix.

Version 3.3.2 / 70 (2023-10-04)

Last repetition: advanced search and sort by

Version 3.3.1 / 69 (2023-09-09)

Print up to 100 flashcards at a time.
In lists with a maximum of 1000 flashcards or 75 decks you may select all items at once.
The item counter in filing box and deck lists is hidden starting at a list size of 41 to improve performance.

Version 3.3.0 / 68 (2023-07-05)

Long touch an item in a deck or flashcard list to move or delete multiple decks / flashcards at once.
Printing: Headings are now optional.

Version 3.2.3 / 67 (2023-06-07)

Update dependencies.

Version 3.2.2 / 63 (2023-02-24)

Settings: Dark mode.

Version 3.2.1 / 62 (2023-02-19)

Major UX-improvements.
Settings: Remove setting "Don't update open lists order".
Minor UI-changes.

Version 3.2.0 / 61 (2023-01-25)

Optional swipe gestures in query mode: Swipe to center…
…from left: previous flashcard.
…from right: next flashcard.
…from top: Mark as not known (after displaying solution).
…from bottom: Mark as known (after displaying solution).

Settings: Hide app media in other apps (by adding / removing the ".nomedia"-file).
Minor UI-improvements.

Version 3.1.1 / 60 (2022-11-30)

Several minor improvements

Version 3.1.0 / 59 (2022-11-23)

Print flashcards.
Improved performance.

With more than 15.000 flashcards in a list additionally the following compromises in favor of a better performance are applied:
- If the setting not to update list order is activated: List order will not always be kept.
- If the setting to format flashcards (front/back oder notes) is activated: Search and list display are in some cases inaccurate.
- Non-Latin scripts: Search may be inaccurate.

Version 3.0.0 / 58 (2022-11-14)

Attach media to flashcard.

Version 2.3.2 / 57 (2022-11-02)

really basic list stats

Version 2.3.1 / 56 (2022-09-22)

import/export app settings

Version 2.3.0 / 54 (2022-09-15)

Redesign filing boxes and decks lists
Colors also for filing boxes
Preview emojis for filing boxes and decks
Optimized logo

Version 2.2.0 / 53 (2022-09-08)

Query mode (flashcard list -> play icon button)
Advanced search (filing boxes list -> menu)
Behavior change: Open lists do not update order (deactivatable in settings)
New logo

Version 2.1.0 / 51 (2022-08-30)

Background image at lists
Change license: Apache2 -> GPL3
Changed terminology
Fix: Long loading time in card list

Version 2.0.1 / 49 (2022-08-24)

Fix: card position and search

Version 2.0.0 / 47 (2022-08-24)

Setting: Bold, italic and underline for card front/back
Setting: Markdown for card notes
Filter card list

Version 1.3.1 / 45 (2022-08-10)

Replace edit/insert save button by icon

Version 1.3.0 / 44 (2022-08-05)

Show all packs from all collections
Move packs or cards

Version 1.2.1 / 43 (2022-06-28)

Update translations and dependencies.

Version 1.2.0 / 41 (2022-04-07)

Flashcard list keeps position after viewing card (does not work with random sort).
Setting: Default sort
Minor UX improvements

Version 1.1.0 / 39 (2022-01-18)

backup import: Add option to skip or integrate same-named collections

Version 1.0.0 / 37 (2022-01-09)

First public version